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DIY origami lotus flower

DSCN3567Hi everyone,

Today I made a really cool lotus flower and I am going to show you how to make it in two different ways. The origami lotus flower is a bit more advanced than my recent post about how to make a snowflake out of pipe cleaners/fuzzy sticks.

I am going to write down the instructions below and give you a link to my youtube channel so you can see more videos/tutorials.

Easy version:

-Use a square piece of paper or origami paper. Fold it diagonally one way and then the other diagonal way. Unfold.

-Fold in the corners to the middle where the diagonal creases intersect.

-Fold in the corners one more time.

-Unfold the outermost flaps partway. Do the same with the 2 more sets of flaps. You may have to crease the flaps to make them stay up.

-That’s it now you’re finished.


Advanced version:

-Use a square piece of paper. Fold it diagonally one way and then the other diagonal way. Unfold.

-Fold in the corners to the middle where the diagonal creases intersect.

-Fold in the corners two more times.

-Unfold the outermost flaps partway. Do the same with the 3 more sets of flaps. You

may have to crease the flaps to make them stay up.

– That’s it now you’re finished.

I hope you succeed with making the origami lotus flower


This is the link to my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7d_SMfEhgul4K3Div8v5rA

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